Step 3
Emergency Supplies & Traveling Kits-
Every house should have emergency supplies but the reality is they don’t. It’s never too late to start food storage and it can be easier than you think. With the current state of the economy many people are struggling just to put food on the table for regular dinner, let alone have extra money for food they won’t be eating. It’s as simple as buying a can of beans and putting in a safe dry place you will be able to get to in case of an emergency. One can, once a week or once a month, will not make a large difference in your budget but will make all the difference when you find yourself in the aftermath of an Earthquake.
You can do the same with your dog food. Store a small bag of dog food away in a cool dry place once a month. The food will need to be rotated every two months, so the small bag you bought won’t go to waste, you will use it in two months. Just be sure to keep replacing the bag of dog food so you have enough to feed your dog in case of an emergency.
ü Pet First Aid Kit & Guide book
ü 3 – 7 days of food (be sure to rotate every 2 months)
ü Disposable Litter trays (aluminum roasting pans work)
ü Litter or paper towel
ü Liquid dish soap and disinfectant
ü Garbage bags for clean up
ü Extra harness and leash
ü Photocopies of medical records and 2 weeks worth of any medications in a waterproof
ü Bottled water (for people and pets)
ü A traveling bag, crate, or sturdy carrier (preferably one for each pet)
ü Flashlight
ü Blanket
ü Recent photo copy of your pet (to identify or to help search for a lost pet)
ü Dog toys and chewtoys
ü Yard stake and long leash
If you have multiple household pets, this list should include any carrier, bedding, food, and water for at least a week for them as well.
Sharon of Murrieta is enjoying her retirement with her 9 year old miniature poodle, Pepper. “Being retired doesn’t give me a lot of disposable income so I can’t afford to go out and buy new items for an emergency kit. But one of things I have been doing is putting a little away at a time. I keep bags of dog food samples in her travel crate, ready to go in an emergency. I also store 1 of her thyroid pills in an extra medication bottle every other week until I have a month’s worth supply. I rotate the older medication so it doesn’t expire before I can use it.”
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