It is said
that charity will make your heart feel lighter.
Booker T. Washington said, “Those who are happiest are those who do the
most for others.” John Holmes said,
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting
people up.” And John Bunyan said, “You have not lived today until you have done
something for someone who can never repay you.” So this
week, why not lift your spirit and your dog’s spirit by helping another in
August 17th
is International Homeless Animals’ Day, which seems like an appropriate time to
help an animal in need. What is it, you
may ask? In 1992, ISAR (International
Society for Animal Rights) originated the idea that every year on the third
Saturday of August, concerned citizens should come together to commemorate all
the animals who lost their lives the previous year because there weren’t enough
homes for them. Activities held in honor
of this day usually entail a community candlelight vigil while some organizations
hold spay and neuter fundraisers, rallies, or even walks, to help raise
You and your
pup can get involved too. Even though you may not have the time or resources to
put on a community event, you can help in other ways, like helping your local
animal shelter care for the hundreds of animals they currently have. Every animal shelter has a ‘Wish List’ of
supplies they are always in need of.
While some shelters may have very specific wants (such as specific food,
treats, litter, or bed types) here is a list of some of the typical supplies
needed by an animal shelter:
Brushes or Combs
for Cats and Dogs
Shampoo &
Durable Toys
(like Kong toys)
Cat & Dog
Cat & Dog
Hot dogs
Chicken broth
Timothy Hay
New & Used Blankets
Small Animal
Woodchips or Bedding
Cat Scratchers
Cat Toys
New or Used
Slip leads
Food & Water
Look up the
nearest animal shelter in your area to find out their specific needs. And don’t feel like you have to go out and
purchase these items or give away everything in your house. You can ask neighbors, family, and friends if
they have any of these items that they wouldn’t mind donating. You and your pooch can go around making
collections and drop-off the donations together.

And one more
way you can help a homeless animal is by spreading the word. Share the importance of spaying and neutering pets to help reduce
pet overpopulation and resulting euthanization. Help find a homeless animal a new forever home by sharing a
local shelter’s dog or cat of the week via e-mail or social network posts. Become a fan of an animal shelter Facebook page or follow
them on Twitter to be sure to get the latest updates and great information to
help better the animal community.
However you
decide to get involved this week, remember this quote from Mother Teresa, “Charity
and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money
but reach out your hand instead.”
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