The spirit of giving is an interesting component of the overall holiday spirit. It can be loosely defined by the Webster dictionary as an inclination, impulse, or tendency to give. How can you not be intrigued by an invisible force that mystically inspires people to give more than any other time of year? Don’t believe it? This concept is reinforced with the fact that almost all non-profit organizations receive 40% of their yearly donations in the last six weeks of the year, despite the need for donations all year long. (
Instead of trying to solve the world’s great mysteries, we will embrace the spirit of giving and let ourselves be inspired to give as well. As we consider our approach to giving we are faced with two main possibilities. 1. Give donations or 2. Give time.
1. Give donations:

Animal shelters have always had a rough time caring for the large influx of animals that come in each year. “Approximately 3,500 animal shelters across the United States serve the estimated 6-8 million homeless animals who need refuge each year. Many more animals find themselves in need of the services provided by local rescue groups….Shelters and rescues are always in need of towels, food, toys, and other supplies for the animals, often specified in a “wish list” on their website. Give what you can, ask family, friends and colleagues to do so as well.” – Humane Society.
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